Mastering the Goals of Life: Mrs. Manter


Mrs. Manter

Jasmeen Kaur, Reporter/Photo Editor

Teaching takes up a pivotal part of a teacher’s life. It is hard to manage time for yourselves and your family.
Mrs. Manter, a P.E. teacher for Selma High, has strived to revolve her outside life with her family and health. She enjoys playing soccer during the weekends, and to rekindle with her family, she incorporates family dinners on Sunday nights.
“I love running. It clears my mind,” mentioned Mrs. Manter. “I like to work on my strengths so I do pushups and play soccer.”
Mrs. Manter aspires to improve herself every day. She reads self-help books and journals. She is not afraid of change and manifests a positive attitude. As a P.E. and AVID teacher, Mrs. Manter instills her motivation and optimism in all her students.
Every day, Mrs. Manter wakes up at 5:45 AM to start her day followed by an exercise routine to clear her mind. Commuting to Selma High and planning for the day takes up her morning. She desires to incorporate something new for her students each day and comes home to have dinner with her family. With little time to balance her work life, she focuses on herself.
“I think it’s important to do something for you and it’s not being selfish. It is being healthy. I utilize going for a run, walk, or playing soccer to allow something in the day for myself,” expressed Mrs. Manter.
Mrs. Manter advises avoiding procrastinating and instead creating mini goals. As a goal-oriented person, she sets mini-goals for the day and uses them as a checklist to stay active.
One thing Mrs. Manter desires to have checked off her checklist is traveling outside the United States. Once she retires, she’ll have time to enjoy and indulge in other cultures and aspects of the world.