End of Mask Wearing: Close to Normalcy?


Students outside during the passing period.

Palak Tohan, Co-Editor in Chief/Co-Sports Editor

As school districts across all states make the decision to implement the new mask mandate lift, Selma Unified also chose to lift the mask mandate. It took effect on March 14, 2022, allowing individuals regardless of vaccination status to take off face coverings. 

Many students are choosing to ditch masks as the decision was left open to them of whether or not to wear a mask. Some define it as a step towards the normal, pre-Covid lifestyle. Many were eager to see each other’s faces, seeing who was a ‘mask-fisher,’ allowing their skin to breathe, finally getting rid of the ‘maskne’ and what not. 

The continuing usage of masks is strongly recommended by CDC guidelines. Some risk factors to not wearing a mask can include bringing Covid-19 home from school, especially if living with older adults, especially those over 65, or someone with a chronic medical condition. 

History teacher Mr. Lane supports masking. He states, “The CDC knows a lot more than I do regarding Covid-19. They still recommend that masks should still be worn.” 

Some continue wearing masks, not because of the pandemic, but more because of their views on themselves and how they think people are going to judge them. It may cause insecurity for those, especially after two years of mask mandates. 

Sophomore Juliet Escovedo follows this idea as well.  “I just want to be more safe and make others who aren’t comfortable with a bunch of maskless people feel more inclusive,” Escovedo explains.

Despite the controversy, it can be recognized that many students’ behaviors have changed. 

Ms. Plascencia, English teacher, acknowledges some benefits towards the student body after the lift.

“I do start to feel a sense of buy-in to the idea of trying to get back to a sense of normalcy,” Plascencia explained. “To see—literally—smiles across the room is refreshing. Also, the level of respect students have shown for those that decided to keep their mask on really speaks volumes about what it means to be a Selma Bear.” 

Selma High School is supporting whatever students’ choices are regarding masking.