The Capitol Coup: Insursian of Violence

A recreation of the Capitol in a chaotic state during its invasion by domestic terrorists. Illustration by Jayden Barnes

Juliana Ramirez, Editorial Editor

On January 6, the electoral college began completing the voting process to confirm President Joe Biden’s election win. What was supposed to be a calm process of American democracy turned into an act of domestic terrorism at the captiol after former President Trump gave a speech to his supporters. 

In this speech the former president said Biden’s projected win was a lie and his confirmation would be an “assault” on American democracy. He went on to say it was the former Vice President’s, Mike Pence, job to “uphold the constitution.”

As he continued his speech, he went on to say to his supporters that “we are going to have to fight much harder” and encouraged his supporters to “walk down to the Capitol.” 

After the conclusion of his speech, at around 1 P.M. Trump’s crowd moved their focus on stopping the counting of votes that was taking place in the House of Representatives. The mob pushed past the metal barricades and the officers who stood outnumbered. Surrounding the building, it took them 90 minutes to break inside the Capitol building. 

Rioters ran rampant inside as members of Congress were in lockdown and evacuated. Pictures were taken as the domestic terrorists sat in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office, at her podem, and held confederate flags along the halls of this sacred landmark.

Hours after the chaos began, the former president made a statement telling his supporters to go home with words such as  “We love you. You are very special.” In the minute long video Trump posted denouncing the violence, he more so focused on continuing his allegations on a fraudulent election.

Meanwhile inside the house, lawmakers were in lockdown with gas masks as flash bangs and pepper spray were tossed throughout the halls trying to remove the violent mob.

The votes resumed when it was cleared to be done safely and without interruption by the rioters at around 8p.m. 

Despite the chaos and fear that was inflicted on members of  Congress, the session to confirm President Biden continued.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi condemned the attack but referred to it as something that only increased the dire need to get President Trump out of office.

In the following days, members of Congress spoke outwardly rebuking Trump and his harmful rhetoric such as Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, and several other democrats in office.

Congress moved to impeach Trump within the following week, and on January 13 President Trump became the first President in United States History to be impeached twice within one term of presidency.

The continuation of the impeachment trial is still ongoing and the Presidency of Joe Biden was confirmed.