Football Takes The Lead

The SHS Football team plays against Washington Union High School.

Sakshi Palav, Co-Editor in Chief/News Editor/Co-Sport's Editor

Football season has been prospering time for Selma High School this year. Winning four out of the five games they’ve played so far, the varsity football team has made it a point to show its new attitude on the field. Junior Varsity is right behind them, winning four of the five games they’ve played so far. The season’s first game was the second week of school against Golden West HS, following with games against Kerman, Independence, and Sunnyside every Friday afterwards.

The football team this year has been working hard to ensure their gains and wins. According to Todd Weaver and Josh Salazar Their attitudes have changed for the better, and they’ve been working on getting their plays right to have a better year. From early bird practices, to lunch meetings where they watch plays, and after school practices. They do drills, practice, and repeat to have their techniques down. 

“We all have better mindsets this year. We’re not just getting better with our routines and ways, but we’re making sure to build that mentality too. We all know what’s expected, and we all enjoy football,” said junior Angelo Dominguez. He stated that he thinks that the teams way of approaching their goals is what really changed this year. 

Football is a hands-on sport, and intense sports call for dedication. Football players keep their diets, minds, and bodies clean. Especially this year, they are dead set on getting to playoffs. Playoffs are when the top schools from the valley compete with each other, so they can find the ultimate good team.

“Everyone’s more focused this year. Practices are the same and our techniques are the same, but we’re working on improving as a team and getting where we want to,” said junior Todd Weaver. 

As a returnee, Weaver feels more confident and says that everything is easier and now more understandable for him. He stated that he feels as if the whole sport is more comfortable and fun for him now as a junior.

Their coach, Coach Lowe, has been preparing for this season. He has made sure to build the boys up and encourage them in doing their absolute best, and show off their Selma pride off and on the field.

Football players are set on achieving their goals for the season this year. Even though they don’t have any home games due to the unfinished stadium, the Selma High JV and Varsity football teams are still making big strides.