As the development of technology advances the amount of critical thinking seems to decrease. However, it is more than just the immense decrease in critical thinking; individuals have lost what makes humans so unique—their diversity. Many have not just only become more dependent on technology such as AI, but they have become extremely reliant on the opinions of others. It is not to say that it’s wrong to seek the approval of others, but it comes to a point where people aren’t making any decisions for themselves.
It’s because of this continuous chase for approval that many get easily swayed to believe, act, or even speak a certain way. Humanity has succumbed to nothing more than a copy-and-paste version of one another. It has now become so normalized to blindly follow what the majority is doing in hopes of being seen. So much so that many individuals can’t physically form their own perspective on things and just blatantly agree with everything that everybody says in hopes of not differentiating themselves or angering others. Due to all of this, many miss the chance to see the beauty behind it all, the number of ideas that are out there, and the glorious power that an individual holds when expressing what they are passionate about.
Passions are now ignored and left behind for the sole purpose of fitting inside this restraining box that society has set up for everyone. Of course it would be ignorant to say that everyone must know and understand who they are or who they will be in the future. However, it becomes a problem when a person isn’t able to form basic decisions, such as what they think, what they wear, or even what to eat. There is this sort of guilt, or even unsureness about themselves that leads them to this path of unwillingness to form any sort of own personality.
No one is perfect and that is completely normal, especially during early adolescence. Many don’t understand who they are, thereby leading them through this relentless cycle of unquestioning obedience. Guilt and fear fills these individuals seemingly because they are afraid of potentially angering others or facing confrontation , consequently leading them to never come to terms with who they are. They build up a personality that is truly not theirs, but rather built up of multiple different individuals, limiting their potential.
It is not to say that a person isn’t able to change and at some point create their own view on life, thereby forming their own opinions. Rather, those who aren’t able to get out of this cycle and become a sort of stepping stone for others will get pushed around and never stand up for what they believe out of fear of being wrong, angering someone or becoming an outcast. Humans are creatures that are born to be surrounded by others and the fear of being an outcast is one that many face because being alone is one of the scariest things in life. Yet that same fear is what limits the creativity and the voice of various human beings. This humanoid instant is the reason that young adults and teenagers are terrified of exploring who they could be and what they could do in fear of not only being outcasted but being shamed by those they look up to for not sharing similar views.
This issue goes beyond an individual finding their own personal identity. Nowadays everyone seems to have the same ideas, continuously making the same points over and over again.
Society is quick to outcast and put down individuals who have any opinion that deviates from the majority.
In these conditions, who wouldn’t want to conform to what the majority is doing? No one likes being yelled at, no one likes being shamed, so so it is understandable why many are so quick to conform. Due to that same reason, it is clear that if young adults and teenagers aren’t given the space to be able to grow and explore the many ideas out there, many will be limited to what is deemed to be socially correct. Bright ideas that could potentially push our society to grow and better itself may never be found due to the simple fear of mockery against individuals who put themselves out there.
Society is seemingly awarding mediocrity and blind obedience rather than giving an individual the opportunity to seek what is beyond the surface.