FFA Holds Last Annual Mud Meeting
September 27, 2019
At the beginning of the school year, Selma High’s FFA Chapter Officers hold an annual mandatory meeting to provide their new and returning members with ways to get involved within the program, as well as provide them with the upcoming events that will take place throughout the year. This year, the meeting was held on Thursday, August 29, 2019. Following the business portion, the members joined together outside as they partook in having fun in the mud.
“The FFA program has held the mud meeting for quite a while. It’s the first meeting of the year so it’s usually a big turnout,” said sophomore Kendall Hinton. “The whole purpose of this meeting is to get people to interact and socialize with their new officers in order to get to know them.”
Hinton is a Chapter Officer for Selma High’s FFA program. Chapters are made up of four parts including sectional, regional, state, and wide. The officers have responsibilities to uphold, Hinton holds the position of Sentinel. This role must maintain a comfortable environment within the meetings as well as provide help and support to the President of their Chapter.
“I really like the mud meeting because you always get the opportunity to meet new people,” said senior Dale Fransen. “It is a great way for our chapter officers to get to know the club members better.”
Fransen is the Chapter President this year. He shared that this year’s chapter theme is “Painting the Future” and he hopes to embody this message by giving the members confidence to indulge in everything FFA has to offer.
“Beginning the FFA season, we incorporate team building at the meeting as well as throughout the year,” said junior Jewel Allen. “We want our newer members to get involved within the program so that they can enjoy it more. I’m involved with Ag mechanics, and I show a pig at the Fresno Fair later this month.”
Although the group enjoys their time together, especially this being one of the favorite meetings among the students, the mud preparation takes time as individuals must flood three different sections of the field.
“A week before, we have to prep the field using the tractor to soften the dirt,” explains junior Vladimir Villasenor. “Then two days before the meeting, we leave the water running in order to soak the field.”
Villasenor is the Chapter’s Vice President this year and he hopes to make everyone feel as though they are a part of a family. He also shares that due to the large amount of water intake to prepare for the meeting, this will be their last meeting involving the mud.
Although students are bummed about this, they are hopeful for the upcoming events as they enter their fair season. Students will be presenting their animals and projects at the Big Fresno Fair October 8-13 and hope nobody misses out on this supportive opportunity.