The ever-so-famously awaited high school goodbyes are finally here. The final lasts of high school are passing day by day; the last of the dreaded AP Calculus lessons, intriguing yet challenging AP Literature essays, prom, and other school activities, but most sadly, the last Clarion story I will ever produce as a Selma High Bear. As I come to terms with the mountain-sized pile of things I’ve already left behind, I hold onto each thing I have yet to say goodbye to. It is anything but an easy task to complete.
This year was full of events and people that I would have never imagined this year to include.
I walked into 1505 for the first time sophomore year being super nervous, not even knowing where to sit for the first time in this class filled with this strange, blue cloud-filled wallpaper. Little did I know, these clouds served as a representation of where I would set my goals for myself through the guidance of the beloved advisor, Mr. Castle. During my time as part of The Clarion staff, I’ve produced content for every section, learned more than I ever imagined, laughed with some of my favorite people, shed some happy tears and some sad ones, too. I’ve gone through many titles; photo editor, Kaleidoscope editor, sports editor, Editor-in-Chief, but most importantly, I was a reporter. With this role, I met so many amazing people while being able to share their stories in my favorite way of communicating, writing. I have had the privilege of composing over 35 stories for The Clarion over my past three years of participation. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, there truly is no other feeling like being able to successfully capture your thoughts and put them into words to effectively communicate with those around you.
The Clarion’s late nights are where I truly have met and connected with two of my closest mentors, Mr. Castle and Ms. Anguiano.
Mr. Castle has always, and will always, remain one of my strongest influencing teachers in life. One thing that makes The Clarion unique is that it is truly a student-run organization. Mr. Castle is always there supporting us with his knowledge about student journalism, providing amazing music soundtracks during Late Nights, or putting us in contact with someone for an article. He gives students complete authority in making decisions in everything from personnel to day-to-day operations. This responsibility that he entrusts us with is something that has helped me and my peers grow as leaders and gave us more ownership over what we do, so for that, I am extremely thankful. Through him, I have been able to discover so much more about myself, always challenging me and to question everything I encounter. His dad jokes for sure can be tough to laugh at sometimes. I will miss hearing them every day, but not as much as I will miss enjoying teasing him for having more salt than pepper in his beard stubble.
Although I just met Ms. Anguiano last year, it feels like I’ve known her bubbly and inviting personality forever. I feel so honored to have met one of Selma High’s most amazing staff members. Starting with a strong discussion during our first late night together, I quickly learned that she is not one that will back off easily and enjoys a meaningful conversation. I’ve confided with her on many occasions and am glad I am truly able to say she is like a friend to me. Her cheesy smile is definitely one to brighten any room you come into, and is one I will forever cherish seeing.
I started off not being sure if I wanted to be in Bear Prints, a brand new student-led clothing business class on campus, especially with a teacher I barely knew! Boy, am I glad I took that opportunity. I met so many new people in this class that I will truly miss, you guys know who you are. This is a class filled with so much enjoyment and laughter to the point where my stomach has ached for hours after. Ms. Niino, from meeting her through Zoom, and getting to know her throughout my high school junior and senior year, is definitely a resilient, and passionate woman that I look up to. Through the two of us figuring out the class from scratch, we have built up an amazing classroom and friendship that will last a lifetime. From yapping while figuring out how to make designs, to how to get a commercial printer to work, and getting our work onto shirts, I’ve taken away so much from this remarkable person. I’ve learned that nothing will ever be handed to you in life, you have to want to put effort towards the goals you want to achieve. Ms. Niino, you are such a wondrous teacher, mother, and motivator. I have appreciated every conversation, story, and lesson I’ve listened to and learned from you. Next time you “see” a tiger, take a picture and be sure to show me!
AP Calculus is definitely the most challenging class I’ve taken and overcome in high school. I met Mr. Mitchell in Physics and continued to stay with him for AP Calc (I thought it would be a breeze, learn from me guys). This class has definitely been a struggle between me and my best friend, Juliet, for many moments, but with Mr. Mitchell’s deep passion for math, I have been able to learn so much aside from math only. Although I am not taking antiderivatives and using L’Hôpital’s Rule for everything in my sight, as he would highly hope for us all to be doing, I have truly enjoyed being challenged through everything I’ve encountered in this class. I will never forget such a memorable class filled with so many incredible experiences, especially you people.
I’m going to miss having discussions with my groupmates, Jasmine, Omar, Macie, and Janet, in AP Literature, revolving around the perplexing takes on the ever-so-respected Hamlet and all the laughs I’ve shared with you guys. I’m also going to miss Mr. Machnik’s random discussions; whether PopTarts should be eaten toasted or right out of the bag, or just our repeated discussions about Jasmine’s second-chance breakfast choice for the day. Thank you for always making us all laugh in the third period.
Mrs. Peña, your laugh makes the whole class laugh, even when we think that something isn’t that funny, you start cracking up and that makes us all die of laughter. Don’t ever lose your sense of unfiltered humor. The energy you bring to our 8:30 am class is what makes my mornings, thank you for being so passionate about biology.
I want to sincerely thank these teachers for having such a huge positive impact on my high school career; your jobs are incredibly difficult, yet nothing you guys do ever goes unnoticed in my eyes.
As I continue through the next steps of my life, I am committed to the Smittcamp Family Honors Program at Fresno State to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Biology. With an emphasis on pre-medicine, I one day hope to become an oncologist and serve the community I call home.
Alas, The Chapter Finally Closes…
Palak Tohan, Co-Editor in Chief/Co-Sports Editor
May 23, 2024
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Palak Tohan, Co-Editor in Chief/Co-Sports Editor
Sophomore Palak Tohan is currently a first year Clarion student. Palak is a photo editor as well as a reporter. She loves to spend time with her family. But, Palak also takes time for herself, drawing when she can.