Why is it that we, as humans, often hesitate to prioritize our own wellness and take actions that genuinely benefit us?
As cliché as it sounds, nothing in life is promised except for death. We need to appreciate every moment in life. Many don’t appreciate the moment until it has passed. We all die so why not live like we are going to die tomorrow?
Set goals. Whatever that goal may be, learning discipline in the gym or learning to cook, start today. Take the first step today. What if you get that dream college or job offer tomorrow? I know it’s easy to say all this, but the reality is that you’ll never know what you have stored for you until you simply try.
Invest your moments in the people that uplift you, believe in you, and cheer for you. Most people don’t do anything for you. No one will step up to pay your bills. No one will be there to nurture you. Everyone has a motive. No one wants to be around someone that constantly drags us down, hindering our abilities to grow as an individual.
Choose yourself first and always. Stop wasting time on people that strain your energy. Acknowledge your worth and embrace the fact that you deserve to be around people that appreciate you.
At the end of the day, you should be your own priority. Choose to associate with those things that benefit you.