There are so many embarrassing stories I can share about myself, from walking into doors over and over, driving over curbs or falling face first into the ground. However, to me, by far the most embarrassing story that not only emotionally scarred me for life, was the “white shirt story.”
The day started like any other day. I woke up at 6:30 and started getting ready for school, not looking at the weather but understanding that it would be cold. I put on a thick white shirt with a plain pair of jeans. I did not know that, later in the day, this would come back to bite me.
When I walked out of the house, I realized it was a little cloudy but didn’t think anything of it. However, as second period approached, the little clouds in the sky became dark and almost no light was around. This is when I realized I made a big mistake.
It started with a light sprinkle as I walked to my third period after break, but by the end of third period, it was pouring outside. Needless to say, a white shirt and rain don’t mix well.
Despite walking through the halls to avoid as much rain as I could, my next class forced me to walk through the pouring rain. With no umbrella or hood, I hesitantly walked through the rain as the pouring rain hit my white shirt. It was no longer just white, but white with patches of pink, due to my undershirt.
When I realized you could see my undershirt through my white T-shirt, you could have seen my face go red with embarrassment.
When I realized this, I frantically tried to call every single one of my family members to drop off a shirt or take me home early that day.
Alas, no one could, so I went the rest of the day without a jacket and my white shirt was now see-through to my pink undershirt.
Although I don’t think anybody noticed the undershirt peeking through, my insecurities went into full drive, thinking everyone was looking at me, thinking “why would you wear that?” Although, I now understand that, probably, nobody was looking at me and it was all just in my head.
However, because of this incident, I always check the weather before leaving the house and rarely wear any white clothes.