There are tons of moments in my life that keep me up at night but there is one specific day that lives in my head rent free. This day consisted of two embarrassing moments.
It was a Saturday and I had to go to my aunt’s house which is just next door. I was making my way over there when one of her roosters somehow got out of its pen. Y’all, when I saw that rooster I really thought I was going to die. Five-year-old me was not mentally developed, so I actually thought I had a dangerous animal in front of me.
This rooster was notorious for being aggressive, so I just started running around my house and obviously that rooster chased me around. I did a lap around my house and then ran to my aunt’s house. Luckily she came out and grabbed that rooster like nothing. Everyone laughed at me for being scared of a rooster, but have y’all seen those Mexican roosters with the big claws? I believe I had the right to be scared.
Moving forward, I was actually going to my aunt’s house because we were preparing for a party. So at the party when it came time to break the piñata the most embarrassing moment happened. I was with my friends Yahir and Valeria. Someone had broken the piñata so it was time to pick up the candy.
“Go Ana! Pick it up! Hurry!” screamed my friend Yahir.
He pushed me to the ground to grab the candy, so I kind of fell and oh my gosh my jeans ripped! At the moment I was not aware that they ripped because of how loud and chaotic the environment was. So picture me picking up candy with my jeans ripped, underwear peeking through and all. My mom had to come get me because I didn’t even know. Everyone at the party was laughing at me. At that moment I wasn’t even embarrassed, I was just mad because I was not able to pick up as much candy as I wanted. Now 12 years later I think about this at 2 A.M. and cry about it.
My Traumatizing Story With Roosters And Piñatas
Ana Rodriguez, Reporter
December 8, 2023