The Drama Club’s production of “The Sins of Sor Juana” debuted on October 27th at the Selma Arts Center. The play was also performed on October 28th and October 29th.
The drama details the journey of Mexico’s first feminist, writer and poet, Juana Ines De La Cruz. Juana struggles between wanting to write and facing judgment for not adhering to what the women of that time period were supposed to do. She grapples between this throughout her stay at the New Spain Royal Court, and later at the convent.
Mrs. Saponara was in charge of the production of the play. She explains that she chose this drama because she wanted people to be able to connect to it.
“This year I decided that I wanted something to be culturally relevant to students in Selma. I was looking for something that had some sort of Mexican heritage,” she stated.
For many, the drama was both shocking and inspiring, eliciting gasps and wide eyes.
“The play was a bit heart wrenching, but also beautifully portrayed the story of Sor Juana. I enjoyed watching the play, and everyone had an amazing performance,” exclaimed senior Emily Juarez.
Junior Evelyn Camarillo Echeverria acted as Sor Juana in the production. Evelyn has been interested in theater since she was young, and the Drama Club has allowed her to further explore this interest. She encourages people who may be considering auditioning for the next play to just go for it.
“It might be scary but you won’t regret it. It might just be an audition but make it like a performance, the directors are your audience so leave it all out there,” Camarillo explained.
Monika Trevino, a senior, played Sor Sara, one of the fellow sisters of the convent. Sor Sara is one of the characters continuously pressuring Sor Juana to keep her mouth and mind shut and do as she’s told. Monika has been a part of numerous of the club’s productions and was thrilled to be able to participate in another one.
“The most exciting part about preparing for the play would be truly getting into my character after memorizing my lines because that’s when I can have fun with my cast mates,” stated Monika.
Selma High School’s Drama Club provides an opportunity for students who are interested in the arts to act on stage. However, if students would like to just help out and not have to perform in front of others, there are ways to do so.
“If they’re ever considering it and they feel like acting is not for them there’s always crew, and if they feel like acting is not for them they’ll never know unless they try,” explained Mrs. Saponara.
The Drama Club will be back in the spring with another production, members of the club encourage anybody who’s interested to audition.
Drama Club Unveils “The Sins of Sor Juana”
November 3, 2023