Assuming that you’ve read the title, please just hear me out.
I actually have no clue why I dream of stuff like this. I always either die, fight in order to survive, or kill someone else in my dreams, and that’s just the way it’s always been. I’d rather not get into the perhaps alarming psychological aspects of this, so instead I use it to provide you with entertainment. You’re welcome.
Also, no, don’t send Jeter after me. I am in fact mentally stable, thank you.
With all that out of the way, I provide you with a second to go get some popcorn. Perhaps you should even get a glass of water so that as you read this, you can have a moment of shock and spit the water out.
Okay, now that you’ve presumably left your English class, walked to the nearest store, and have obtained your popcorn, let us begin.
This dream begins in the biggest library known to mankind. I’m telling you this place is about 20 stories high.
It’s me, one guy, and two other girls.
For the sake of the story, I’m going to name them even though they didn’t actually have names in the dream. Excuse me as I find a random name generator on the internet. Okay, the generator has spoken. I present you with: Ronan, Anisa, and Darcie.
As for another detail that makes absolutely no sense: the three people I’m with and I act like we’re filming a Harry Potter movie. Though, I assure you that there were no actual cameras in the dream, so perhaps we were just a little crazy.
Unless society had advanced from the typical green screen and now the videographers were just invisible in order to make production faster, that’s always a possibility.
Anyways, my crew and I are running around aimlessly when all of a sudden, an evil spirit appears. It’s floating above the ground with black hair that resembles Sia’s haircut, looking menacing as most evil spirits tend to.
Anisa and I are on one side of the room, Ronan and Darcie on the other, with the evil spirit in the middle. Had this been a better situation perhaps we would have started to play monkey in the middle.
At this point the evil spirit lady starts using some magical draining power, so I guess maybe we were in the actual Harry Potter universe while pretending to film a Harry Potter movie?
Ronan, being the idiot that he is from the three minutes I knew him, proceeds to scream out something about how the power the evil spirit lady is using is Darcie’s weakness.
Excuse me but, DOES THIS MAN KNOW NOTHING? You’re never supposed to reveal anybody’s weaknesses. Forget the evil spirit lady. I was about to go over there and kill Ronan.
I digress though. Evil spirit lady wastes no time. She uses some sort of teleportation and quickly takes over Darcie’s body, killing her.
With Darcie down and Ronan dead to me, I pull out my wand, because apparently I have one. The evil spirit lady proceeds to take a different form: Hitler.
However, before I could even think to Avada Kedavra the evil spirit lady-now-turned-Hitler, I realized that she had already cast a spell.
I have a second to register that in one of the room’s behind her there’s a giant white ball of energy, before it explodes.
The building starts to collapse and I run outside.
At this point, I don’t even know what has happened to Ronan or Anisa. But seeing what Ronan did earlier there was no way he would have the common sense to dodge the rock, and as for Anisa, every woman for herself.
As such, I chase after Hitler carrying a very clean conscience.
All the buildings outside the library are collapsing as well, with the Earth opening up, and everyone trying to evacuate the city.
Eventually, I arrive at one of the underwater trains. I had run after Hitler the entire time but with the commotion of all the people trying to escape, there was no way for me to reach him.
I do manage to get a glimpse of him talking to one of the conductors, but if I had tried to attack him then, there was no way I would have been successful in killing him.
I magically manage to find my comrades (did you get the pun), not Ronan and Anisa, but other wizards.
Then, the conductor announces that the only way to stay safe is to remain in the city. Evidently, this is a lie. Hitler has convinced him of using magic…unless the conductor has failed to realize that the world is dying behind us.
One of the wizard’s beside me proceeds to detach the head of a muggle, place some sort of contraption inside, and then put his head back on? That was a random detail I thought I should share.
Anyways, then I woke up.
Talk about a cliffhanger, I wanted to know whether or not we managed to defeat the evil spirit lady-turned-Hitler. Hopefully my dreams decide to bring me episode 2 of this story soon.
Also for those of you taking European History, I’m pretty sure I dreamed of Hitler because we were learning about him.
Dream Diary
Harry Potter, Hitler, and What the Heck is Going On
Dayanara Yepez Ramirez, Webmaster/Editorial Editor
October 13, 2023