Album Review: Dawn F.M. by The Weeknd

Yarektzy Navarro, Reporter

Few contemporary artists excite me the way The Weeknd does. The R&B/Soul legend evokes the 80s with a synth-pop style that is exhilarating with a unique modern twist. Of course, The Weeknd is no nostalgia act and continues to go from strength to strength with each subsequent album. While Dawn FM may be less of a coherent musical experience, for the flow is interrupted by the radio-style concept, the album opens up with the narration of Jim Carrey, making it seem as if he was a radio host to the album’s transitions to each other song. It was a very different idea, which I would say was smart of him. However, it does seem a little weird at first if you don’t expect the opener to be Jim Carrey.
With his songs playing in order to narrate, I think the first eye-catching song of his was “Less Than Zero”since it brought out that vibe of riding your car at night and just blasting that song. It’s such an intriguing song, the message behind it seems to have a bigger connection. “You tried your best with me, I know, I couldn’t face you with my darkest truth of all.” This seems to be about him having to deal with something hard, yet not only he had to deal with it but his surroundings too. It connects to others witht he idea of our problems reflecting on the life of others as well. Well hidden into such an upbeat song, you would never guess the message.
As the album continued to play, one of the more popular early released songs really is an eyecatcher. With its title “Take My Breath Away” I honestly thought it would be similar to the 80s ballad “Take My Breath Away” by Berlin, but it was a completely different turn. The tunes to the music are so energetic, it was unexpected from him to make music like that. Yes it did have the 80s tune to it, but with a mixture of today’s music as well.
Overall, I would definitely say this is one of my top three albums of his but it will not top his old albums he had made in the beginning of his career. “Beauty Behind the Madness” and “My Dear Melancholy” were one of the most iconic albums of his since it had touched the aspects of R&B. Although I see what he was trying to do with trying new genres, it just seems too unlike for him to do. Although it’s different but I still.Overall personally I would give the album a solid 8.5/10, I would say it would be a 10 if it didn’t have such weird techo it. Seemed that it was added there to give the illusion of an 80s album but to be honest it kind of gave me an odd feeling. Although there are a few different components in this album,others should consider listening to it.