Starting a New Chapter at Selma High

Mrs. Garza

Evanie Adame, Reporter

Selma High School welcomed former student, Mrs. Garza, back into the English department this school year. As fate would have it, she found her calling here when she noticed that there was a position open as the new English 2 and 3 teacher.
“…I knew this was the place for me.” Mrs. Garza said.
Her inspiration to work as an English teacher stems from her experience working with the migrant program, which provided tutoring services to students learning English.
“In that position, I saw that there was a need for bilingual people like me to join the field of education.” Mrs. Garza shared.
At Selma High, Mrs. Garza has an optimistic outlook for this new school year. She has high hopes for her students and expects that they will “set an example of what a scholar can achieve.” Mrs. Garza also enjoys the overall experience of being back at Selma High.
“I love being a part of Bear Nation again.” Garza reminisced.
She has been received with welcoming arms by both students and staff.
“The school culture is very positive.” Mrs. Garza stated.
And she repays this hospitality in kind by striving to help her students and community to the best of her ability. Mrs. Garza is currently refining and expanding her ability by working hard to attain her Master’s degree at Fresno State. She also expands her knowledge of other things through conversations with her students.
“My students have educated me on the importance of keeping my sneakers “un-creased.” Shoutout to Michael and Patrick. Thanks for sharing your expertise boys!” Garza exclaimed.
Mrs. Garza thoroughly enjoys her position as a teacher. She loves to see her students thrive and grow into the people she knows they’re capable of becoming.
“The best part about my position is that it feels meaningful. I can see the fruit of my labor when students get their credits, graduate, and head to their next adventures. I can’t imagine working in any other field.”