Heads Up! Girls’ Volleyball Spike Their Competition Away

Junior Marina Hernandez rises up to score against Reedley High.

Nico Colado, Reporter

The Selma High Girls’ Volleyball team are heading towards the end of their season. With their last seasonal game taking place on October 20th against Reedley High, the team is looking to improve and finish off hard.
“I just love the sport. It is very fun, competitive, and interactive,” stated junior Stacy Garcia. This is Stacy’s fourth year playing the sport. With her years of experience, she’s learned multiple things about volleyball and what it takes to be a successful team. Although hard training and discipline always better a team, having fun is just as important.
“We want to go all out and have fun. You don’t need any specific skills, just go out there and enjoy it,” Garcia stated passionately
Selma has competed with teams such as Dinuba, Immanuel, and Washington Union. Without a doubt, the girls have faced hard competition thus far but continue to strive towards improvement and success.
“Things aren’t looking the best right now, but we’re working towards getting better everyday,” junior Khamara Dement shared. With this season being her third year playing the sport, Khamara has learned what’s most important for improving your skill.
“Mental toughness. A lot of things happen and people get down on themselves, but if you have a strong mental game, you’ll be just fine,” Dement explains.
Although being a team sport, personal goals are very important. Whether it’s to score ten points, or block five shots, setting goals for yourself is a great way to improve on your craft and overall help the team.
“My main goal for this year is to get better than last season, which has already been met so now it’s just setting the standard for next year,” Coach Caylin stated. This is Coach Caylin’s second year at Selma High. Not only does her position come with responsibilities, it creates a sense of pride in her team.
“What makes me proud about my team is how they never give up, and are always willing to put in the work it takes to get better,” Coach Caylin expressed.
With a current record of 7-8, the girls are continuing to work hard in hopes of making the playoffs.