Homecoming: Happiness is in the Air

Makaira Chavez

Homecoming King and Queen: Daniel Arevalo and Makaira Chavez

Donna Rubio, Reporter

The Homecoming football game was held at the Staley Stadium on September 30, 2022.
To culminate Homecoming Week students gathered to show off their school spirit and support the football team, students participating in the float contest, and the homecoming royalty.
Selma High’s Black Bear Brigade played the national anthem to mark the beginning of the varsity football game. During the break after the first quarter, color guard, band, and cheer danced together to create an upbeat ambience. During half time the floats that had been organized by students were presented. Each grade level showcased a float with a Disney movie related theme.
“A lot of planning during the summer and everyone getting involved with different ideas [was how a concept was chosen so that it was] a theme that all the kids would like,” Chantel Rodriguez explained.
Freshman’s chose High School Musical as their theme. Students danced and lip-synched to the original soundtrack. They created a fabulous float that showed how “We’re All in This Together!” Selma High’s second year students chose COCO as the inspiration for their float. Dressed with some Mexican traditional garments the floor was filled with color. The sophomores danced to a mix of COCO’s Un Poco Loco and an assortment of Regional Mexicano, and Cumbias. Instead of ending their performance with confetti, they threw marigolds up in the air to show their attention to detail. For the Junior class of Selma High, the theme was Aladdin. The float was decorated with the Sultan’s Palace from Aladdin, Genie, and gold-colored drapes. The elaborate decoration made the audience feel like they were a part of the original movie setting. Additionally, the students who participated in this float were dressed in bright colors as they energetically danced to Aladdin’s composition. Seniors chose Teen Beach as their float concept. They were divided between the Surfers and the Bikers. Starting off, the Surfers danced along to the bright theme song Surf Crazy; the students representing the Bikers later assumed control by presenting Falling For Ya. The senior class came together to end their performance with Best Summer Ever.
Later on in the evening the winner of the float contest was announced. Class of ‘23 won with their Teen Beach themed float! The seniors celebrated by jumping and hugging one another.
“I felt extremely excited [and] happy when it was announced that the senior class float had won. It felt good knowing that the hard work we all put in did pay off,” senior Natalia Ramirez remarked. “Especially because this is our third year streak winning the float and dance contest.” The victory was all due to the hard work of the senior class. They began the decoration of the float mid-September meeting from 7:30 to 9 pm.
Another remarkable event of the night was the recognition of SHS’s cross country coach Haskell Henson for coaching for 57 years now.
“I like watching them run; I’ve been coaching 57 years. I like it,” Henson revealed when he was asked what his favorite part about coaching cross country was.
The moment everyone had been waiting for had arrived. Selma High School would crown their 2022-2023 Homecoming Queen and King. This year’s Homecoming Queen is Makaira Chavez and Daniel Arevalo is Homecoming King. This year’s king and queen were both thrilled to have won.
“It means a lot to me. I have been thinking about winning Homecoming Queen for forever. It was quite the experience, and I’m just glad that I was able to actually pull it off. I’m thankful for all the people that supported [and] helped me through the way and the ones who believed in my success. Even though it is just another high school experience I still enjoyed the little process I went through to get the position,” Makaira Chavez expressed.
“This is my second time winning. I won last year as prince and now I won again, and [I] won as the king. It honestly felt good to win and represent something bigger than [myself]. Being the homecoming king shows that a lot of people support and look up to me. It’s also once in a lifetime event that I’ll remember my whole life,” commented Arevalo. “Prince became the king 2x,” was the quote Arevalo came up with for his two successful runs as homecoming royalty.
It was an unforgettable night for everyone who attended the homecoming game. A night filled with school spirit and encouragement is what characterized Selma High School.