Drama Club’s Passionate Debut
“A Piece of My Heart’s” cast members.
December 10, 2021
Friday December 3rd was “A Piece of My Heart’s” opening night at the Selma Arts Center. The play was produced by the Selma High Drama Club, and was followed by two more shows on the 4th and 5th.
Directed by Mrs. Saponara, the play follows six women during their service in the Vietnam War. Five of the women are army nurses, one of which is a singer. “A Piece of My Heart,” which is a true drama, explores the forgotten roles of non combat civilians who went to Vietnam. The play’s women were lured into volunteering, facing sexism, prejudices, and true torment at the hands of a man’s war.
The class has spent nearly all semester preparing for the play, devoting a majority of their time to the production.
“We auditioned in September, but we started rehearsals in October,” explained senior Litzully Lopez-Cisneros. “This whole week [of the play] we’ve been practicing at the Art’s Center from 4-9pm.”
Cisneros has been a part of the Drama Club since her freshman year. She played Steele, a strong army nurse who wants to expose the war’s true atrocities. While “A Piece of My Heart” marked her last high school performance, it was a great first for many of its cast members.
“This is my first year, it was something I always wanted to do as a kid but never got the chance to do,” described senior Anthony Mares.
Mares played a multitude of roles, playing miscellaneous men throughout the production. He was not alone in his excitement; the entire cast clearly enjoyed themselves, delivering a powerful final result.
“I was really nervous, but in the back of my mind I told myself ‘I can do this,”’ commented junior Aksel Harrison.
Along with Mares, Harrison also portrayed a variety of men in the play.
The primarily novice cast was genuinely open to new experiences, allowing themselves to conquer theatre and be a part of something special.
“Sometimes it was difficult because we would have to stay late,” acknowledged Atkinson, “but for the most part it was just beautiful. We all grew, tried hard, and did amazing.”