FFA Students Take On a Green Hand
FFA students take a photo at the FFA fall banquet.
December 10, 2021
After a busy several months with different events, care taking of animals, and the whole venture that comes with the Fresno Fair, FFA was finally able to “take a break.” FFA or Future Farmers of America is a program centered on cultivating student progress through agricultural education.
FFA had its annual fall banquet on November 9th which is an official ceremony that welcomed new upcoming AG students into the world of Agriculture with the green hand award.
Beginning at 6 o’clock the walls of the cafeteria were plastered with green greeting posters welcoming the Future Farmers of America and their guests. The ceremony was filled with proud parents taking pictures of their newly initiated children.
While most of these upcoming AG students were freshman, there were a few upperclassmen who participated in the ceremony.
“Even though it’s my first year in an ag class, I still felt welcomed,” stated Aaron Qunitana, who received his bronze pin at the ceremony.
The new students were oriented into FFA with a bucket activity in which they had to blindly find their pins and other small trinkets that represent the virtues of the Future Farmers of America.
“Watching the students was a lot of fun!” stated Mrs. Chambers who is the lead FFA organizer.
The annual fall banquet not only welcomed new students, but also rewarded second year members for completing an agriculture related project with the chapter degree and a silver pin.
Although the Animal show season may be over, FFA still has plenty on their plate.
The organization is planning on administering several local food drives, the selling of cornish hens, and the floral branch of FFA is organizing floral design demonstrations around the Selma area.
On top of all these planned activities FFA and it’s agriculture classes are still completing their routine materials.
FFA and its students are directly giving the community a “green” hand.