Ready For What’s Coming

Ashley Matias Lopez, Reporter

That very day I woke up for my first day of high school, I had no idea that it would go by so fast. It might sound cliche, but I didn’t believe other people when they said it’ll pass by you before you know it. At first I felt nervous and excited walking on that campus for the first time and thought to myself “my life is finally starting.” That feeling eventually wore off and my mindset shifted to “you have to graduate and prove society wrong.” The whole idea of being in high school was great, but the work that sat in my face was not. But hey, that’s high school right?

I was still able to experience so many incredible, emotional, enjoyable, and most outrageous memories while being a student. One obstacle that I faced from over the years of high school was how lazy I was. Being lazy from my freshman to junior year really took a toll on me once I became a senior. I was always so stressed out and overwhelmed by the work because I had to force myself to get it done, and on time. Procrastination was definitely not my friend. Throughout my hectic high school years I have also grown a lot personally and socially. I walked into freshman year with barely any friends, but now that I am a senior I’ve grown really close with the amazing people I’ve met. I’ve formed bonds with people who have pushed me to do my best. I truly would not be where I am in my high school career if it wasn’t for them. 

High school has shown me that you have to keep positive people around you no matter what because they’ll always be somebody negative around that wants to bring you down mentally telling you can’t, or you’ll never succeed. I’ll take into consideration everything positive I’ve been told and apply it to my life.

All the teachers I’ve had throughout these past four years of my life have also made it possible for me being at this part of my life. Their dedication, patience, and determination has allowed me to pursue my ambitions in life. I have learned so much about many different subjects that have paved the way for my future. They definitely inspire and are people that I will forever look up to. They are the ones who have made my future in education possible.

I can honestly say that high school was like a roller coaster. I’ve learned so much in these short four years, and I’m truly going to miss it dearly. I will take everything that I’ve learned and apply it to my life after I graduate. Of course I still have plenty to learn, but I feel like I have accomplished one of my first biggest accomplishments in my life. Now I will be attending college at Fresno State and majoring in psychology. I am on to the next path of my life and I will have to see where it takes me. All I know is that my life is truly now just beginning.