Good Morning…

senior portraits
May 25, 2021
Looking back at the last four years of my life, I now realize that I made friendships that will last a lifetime along with the memories. I always expected June 3rd, 2021 to happen, but now that it is just a few short weeks away, it feels surreal. I never would have thought that I would be learning Calculus from my bed or figuring out the human anatomy from my dining room table. Although most of my senior year has been dominated by the COVID-19 Virus, I’ve tried to not let it define what my year could be.
One extremely long spring break later we returned to campus, where we were able to pack all the fun of senior year into the few weeks we had after spring break. From Senior Sunrise to our prom and eventually our last moments as SHS Bears at Sober Grad.
The wild adventure, called being a student at Selma High, started before my first day as a freshman. Before I even knew what my classes were, I experienced Freshman First Day with Link Crew. I think back to the games my group played in one of the english classrooms, and the crazy and embarrassing outfits my Link Leaders made me wear.
Walking onto campus that first day in August was nerve wracking. Especially entering Mr. Castle’s room for the first time and seeing his “Top Ten Things You Should Know about This Class” poster and the sticker on his door, “In order to get your tassel, you gotta go through Castle.” Little did I know how true that sticker would be.
Throughout my four years at Selma High, I worked hard to be involved. I believe I have achieved this goal, by being voted “Most Involved” by my classmates. I started out my freshman year by joining Key Club. My journey in this club ended with me being President. I also participated in FNL, Leadership, and Link Crew. By joining these clubs, I was able to meet new people and have amazing experiences. I would encourage others to participate as much as possible because you only have four years to do it.
I am so grateful for the time I’ve spent at Selma High School. I am grateful for the memories, the experiences, and the opportunities that it has given me. Although I am going to miss Selma High, I can’t wait for my new adventure at Cal Poly SLO to begin.
…and in case I don’t see ya: Good afternoon, good evening, and good night, Selma High.