Selma High Celebrates Its 2021 Top 25
Those pictured (L to R): Amiannah Martinez, Chloe Mendoza, Ari Matias Perez, Juliana Ramirez, Daniel Acosta, Sydney Harrell, Dashrit Pandher
May 19, 2021
On May 5th, Selma High School held a special dinner in honor of the 2021 graduate class’ top 25 students. This annual dinner is held to celebrate the top 25 students of the graduating class with the highest GPA.
This year, due to the pandemic and COVID-19 restrictions, students were limited to two guests per student. COVID testing was not required, but masks were, only being allowed off when sitting at the dinner tables.
At tables, students and their two guests were seated with the teacher they had chosen to introduce them.
The opening ceremony was done by Mrs. Reed, the 2021 class learning director where she introduced and acknowledged the obstacles the students overcame to receive this award. She also made sure to thank the school board, principles, and school teachers for all they do for the students.
The event was around three hours long with introductions of each student and opening and ending ceremonies.
As the dinner was a celebration of the amount of work and dedication students put forth into their education, it was a way for all 25 students to acknowledge and appreciate each other.
“The top 25 dinner was an event where we were able to celebrate, connect with, and get to know each individual student who made it to the top 25 students of the class of 2021,” explained one of the top 25 students Daniel Ayala. Ayala took his parents and chose Mr. Jones as his introduction teacher.
Being able to enjoy this event, with other school events mostly being cancelled due to COVID, was a big deal to the accomplished students.
“Being top 25 for me is simply just recognition for the hard work I’ve put in these four years,” explained Dashrit Pandher. “It’s a way for me to make my parents proud.” Pandher took her parents to the dinner and Mrs.Sultenfuss was the teacher she chose to speak on her behalf.
Overall, despite COVID-19 and its restrictions, Selma High made sure the top 25 students received their praise and appreciation.