Selma High Leadership Gift Students Care Packages

Leadership students gather around to take a picture. Photo contributed by Chloe Mendoza.

Lovleen Sahota, Reporter

Last December, Selma High School’s Leadership team gave out care packages to the school’s students. 

The idea for care packages was presented by Kristy Rangel, the district’s mental health clinician, Chloe Mendoza, ASB vice president, and Ashneet Gill, Senior Class President. It was then given to the SHS leadership team to carry out.  The packages were meant to help students feel less lonely while in quarantine. 

“We realized that there was a need to comfort students during this unprecedented time,” stated Mike Pallesi, Selma High’s leadership advisor.  

Care packages are given out every month serving 200 Selma High students each time. In preparation for the giveaways, leadership students brainstorm in order to decide the items to include and the process behind making the events successful. Leadership students also make homemade motivational cards to inspire and help students to look for positivity. 

The first care package giveaway took place in December 2020.  The care packages were given out in large, red Christmas stockings, and consisted of a notebook, a Selma Bears t-shirt, a stress ball, some candy, and a Jeter bookmark each.

“The care packages were a great way to give back to the students during these difficult times,” expressed Navanni Rizo, ASB president. “We hope to do more care packages to reach all the students.” The next package giveaway is on February 11th, 2021. This month’s event will be highlighting seniors with the theme of “We LOVE Our Seniors” associated with Valentine’s Day. The packages will include class t-shirts, gifts, and much more. The next all-student giveaway is scheduled to be in March. 

The leadership team is beyond grateful to be giving back to Selma high students in hopes of making this pandemic less intense. 

“Overall, it was the result of great teamwork and cooperation of Leadership students which made this possible,” expresses Mr. Pallesi.  

Leadership students believed that it was important to put on an event to bring the students together during such times. 

“The care packages were just a great way to put a smile on people’s faces,” enunciates Alexis Arosco, Sophomore Class President. 

The care packages have become a way for the school to be there for students a little more, one care package at a time.