Senior Polo Player Reflects On Time As An Athlete

SHS water polo team sets up for a goal. Contributed by Stuart Torres

Adriana Rubio, Reporter

Stuart Torres has played water polo for all four of his high school seasons, progressing straight through to the varsity team in freshman year. SHS has put water polo practices on hold since Fresno County entered purple zone again, and are not certain when exactly they will resume. Torres felt that his last few practices before this announcement were close to perfect.

“My shots were going in, and my defense was great,” Torres expressed. “Our team chemistry in the pool and out has really grown these last couple practices.”

Though practices and games have been cancelled until further notice, he still has hopes for the coming weeks. 

“I look forward to hopefully having a season this year where I can show my team and I’s full potential,” answered Torres.

Since he has been playing this sport for four years, Stuart has built an attachment to his teammates and the art of the game. He expressed his distraught feelings of not getting to play his sport for his final year in high school, and his disappointment due to the hard work his team has already put in this season.

“Water polo to me means having another family with amazing communication and a bond that’s different from any other,” He conveyed. “It’s a tough sport but it is so rewarding when you meet these amazing and talented people.”

Many are hesitant to join a sport in these turbulent times, as practices and games are postponed, and covid cases begin to rise again. As things begin to progress and hopefully get better for this school year and the next to come, Torres shared some encouragement on behalf of the Polo team. 

“If you want to join water polo do it! If you’re afraid that you can’t swim well, don’t worry. We’ll help you,” motivated Torres. “If you’re nervous about meeting new people, you don’t have to worry about that either. We’re loving and friendly to everyone!”

More updates to come on the future of this water polo season.