A Chance to Try & Revive During Pandemic

Credit to Ashley Matias

Ashley Matias Lopez, Reporter

Teenage years often consist of going out, having fun, and spending time with friends. Most teenagers don’t find it appealing to be cooped up at their house all day with nothing to do. Being stuck at home doesn’t seem to be a good passing time for those who enjoy hobbies outdoors.

Unfortunately, quarantine has put a halt to the plans of many and has placed a long hiatus on any outside activities. The freedom of being able to do anything and go anywhere has been restricted. Several students have had a rough time with adapting to their new environment. Quarantine has altered the lives of many, and plenty of students have taken a while to adjust. It’s easy to say that not everyone likes the idea of change and staying indoors. Although quarantine does have its downsides, it also comes with its upsides. 

With quarantine resulting in the shutting down of schools, students have had more time on their hands. As months passed by, students of Selma High have utilized their extra time in acquiring new or revisiting old interests and hobbies. Quarantine has given them the opportunity to explore or revive various activities and skills that they never had the chance or time to do before.

“A hobby that I am able to do again because of quarantine is cooking and baking!” exclaimed senior at Selma High Anel Pintor. “I have cooked a lot of Mexican food like enchiladas, tamales, pozole and much more. Some things I baked were cakes and cookies!” 

Cooking and baking are skills that take time and effort to master. It’s a nice way of learning something new while having fun at the same time. Not many are good at it, but it sure is an example of an interesting hobby to obtain during these times. 

Other hobbies and interests can also be simple and take less effort like binging a TV show. Senior Francisca Vasquez used her free time during quarantine to do exactly just that.

 “An old interest that I have had the chance to do during quarantine is rewatching the Walking Dead.” Nothing is better than sitting down to relax and enjoy a good TV show. All you need is a bag of snacks and a comfortable position to indulge yourself in. It’s an effective way to cure endless boredom especially throughout these stressful times. 

A variety of new or old interests students have acquired heavily consist of creativity and athletics. Combining both of these can sure result as an interesting way to spend quarantine.

 “Hobbies I started doing during quarantine are playing soccer again after three years, painting, reading, and baking which I had never done and it turned out being fun.” explained senior Zayda Fernandez. Trying new things can often be exciting and quarantine was the perfect time to do so. Being able to do the things you enjoy once again can be a wonderful feeling. Despite the negative aspects, quarantine brought upon and introduced many positive opportunities. Students finally got the chance to get back to old hobbies and interests or try new ones. Under any circumstance, nothing can ever go wrong with doing the things you love.