Key Club’s Way Of Life: Caring
February 5, 2020
Key Club is an international service program that provides leadership opportunities for high school students. Key Club members gain invaluable experiences that are grounded in their core beliefs: leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness. Their motto is, ”Caring, Our Way Of Life.”
Selma High School’s Key Club, in partnership with the local Kiwanis’ Club, works to uphold these key values and give back to the community.
Key Club on campus is part of the Cal-Nav-Ha (California, Nevada, Hawaii) region. Approximately 99 students are actively involved in Key Club on campus. Through the combined efforts of their force, Key Club is able to successfully run multiple service campaigns and aid in the betterment of both their student leaders and the community.
Some service projects tackled by Key Club include the annual Selma Cares event, animal shelter donations, prenatal trauma relief fundraisers, aiding the Kiwanis with their Big Fresno Fair exhibit, running the Senior Citizens’ Holiday Brunch, and helping decorate the floats in the annual Rose Parade in Pasadena.
“We like to give students as many leadership opportunities as possible,” remarked advisor Teresa Wood.
Students in Key Club understand the weight of their contributions and acknowledge that changing the world starts by helping locally.
“We push to promote basic morals and try to help as many people as we can,” said Vice President of Social Events Nazish Iftiaz.
Through these service programs, students exercise important skills that allow them to grow as both students and leaders.
Director Teresa Wood hopes that students in key club take away from these experiences and enter into life after high school better-equipped to undertake obstacles with empathy and resourcefulness.
“I hope the students truly understand the concept of service above self. I would also hope they develop both organizational and leadership skills,” Wood commented.
Students indicate that their Key Club experience has indeed shaped them into better leaders, friends, and community members. Not only has key club become a positive influence in their lives, but also a passionate undertaking.
“Giving back to our community is important because it gets us thinking about others rather than ourselves. It allows us to be grateful for all that we have,” mentioned Vice President of Service Learning Oriana Espiritu.
The positive reach of the students in Key Club seems to affect those in ways that invigorate their peers.
“The students in key club are absolutely amazing,” stated Wood. “Their passion, energy, and exuberance are contagious.”
Some students recall when others lifted them up at times when the world pushed them down. According to some, these times are important to keep in mind because they are humbling.
“At some point we all reach a moment where we need someone, so it’s good to be there for others too,” voiced secretary Emelly Muńoz.
Members urge all students with compassion in their hearts to consider Key Club. Afterall, caring is their way of life.